Sunday, May 27, 2012

5 Easy Tips: How to do SEO for your Website?

It is not surprising to know that more than 90% Internet users take the help of a search engine to locate a resource on the web. We directly login to very few websites without referring to search engine results page (SERP). This trend shows us how important it is to get your website on the SERP to attract more visitors. If your website is not picked up by Google, Yahoo or Bing you definitely have a lot to worry about. Building a website is no longer enough but what is required is to be visible enough for people to visit your website. After all only when your site has more visitors, it will convert into revenue and good ROI. 

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Thus it goes without saying that search engine optimization (SEO) is very important. It is not difficult to make a website search engine friendly. Keen interest in the online medium, understanding how search engines index websites and foresight on how best to make your website SEO friendly will help you in many ways. Additionally if you remember the following 5 tips you can be assured that your website will become SEO friendly in no time:

1. Keyword Optimization: A thorough search of the relevant keywords that can apply to your website is a must to see success with SEO. Take out time and follow the trend over a period of time and see what keywords people use to look for different kind of information. You can use the Google AdWords tool for this purpose and you will see how useful the search engine giant is for you.

2. On-Page SEO: The way you build your website is again important to be successful with SEO. Once the website is designed see that your page title, headline, images and text have used relevant keywords. If these places have the targeted keywords, Google and other search engines will surely pick up your site.

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3. Social Media Friendly: Today most of the Internet users religiously login to social networking sites. These are the places where you have maximum chance of increasing your visibility. Making an account in sites such as Twitter, Facebook etc. helps with SEO too. Spread the word about your business with social bookmarking and see how it changes your business for the better.

4. Relevant Content: Search engines not only favor keywords but also relevant content. Using the keywords appropriately and blending it with the article is essential. Grammatical correct articles with no spelling mistakes will increase your visibility in SERP. Additionally you can also create back-links from articles posted in article directories and that will surely attract more visitors. 

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5.Do Not Expect Results Overnight: Do not be over-ambitious with SEO. Let your rankings improve slowly over a period of time. This will give consistency to your performance. When you slowly climb the rankings, you will be able to check for errors and correct them as you go. However, make sure you regularly update the website so that the search engines keep indexing you.

Know More about SEO: