Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Here we have collected 18 Stunning Mobile App user interface designs for your inspiration. Some of these are designed specifically for iOS  while some other are for Android. As iOS and Android are leaders of the modern smartphone market. Just go through them once, We hope you will like them. Enjoy! And don't forget to share your views in the comment section below. 1. Weather App (washing machine) 2. Sports iPhone app 3. Radio...
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Due to day to day rising cost of website design companies, sometimes it is quite difficult for small businesses to consider a business website. But in this competitive world, having a website for all businesses is must. Instead of hiring website design companies, you can opt for a website design tool in order to receive an attractive website. Website design tool is an alternative of web design companies that can provide you a stunning website in...
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Monday, June 11, 2012

If you are in retailing or want to get into the business of buying and selling products, the online business gives you several opportunities. With the help of an ecommerce store, you can not only market your business but also increase its revenue manifold. To start an ecommerce store, taking the help of a content management system is essential. Magento is considered to be one of the best ecommerce platform when it comes to ecommerce development....
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Sunday, May 27, 2012

5 Easy Tips: How to do SEO for your Website?

It is not surprising to know that more than 90% Internet users take the help of a search engine to locate a resource on the web. We directly login to very few websites without referring to search engine results page (SERP). This trend shows us how important it is to get your website on the SERP to attract more visitors. If your website is not picked up by Google, Yahoo or Bing you definitely have a lot to worry about. Building a website is no...
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ecommerce Website: Most Important Tasks to Do

Ecommerce website development is something most businesses look for these days. Ecommerce solutions give them the opportunity target customers beyond their geographical proximity and sell products directly to the end user without having to pay anything to the intermediaries such as distributors and retailers. To make the most out of your ecommerce development you need to adopt the right strategies to stay ahead in the race. Here are a few important...
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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Internet has changed the rules of business and no business owner can afford to ignore it. Earlier business websites were mere information tool but with the advent of ecommerce website development they have transformed into a selling tool. Business of all sizes and varied needs look at ecommerce development as an effective way to sell their products and services as it helps them increase profit. It won’t be wrong to state that ecommerce solutions...
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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Optimize your Website's Loading Time with 10 Amazing Tools

Whether you are planning to launch a new website or you already have an existing one, Search engine optimization is vital to obtain quality traffic. SEO is quite helpful to make your web pages’ content more relevant, more striking, and more readable by search engines and their crawls. In the process of website optimization, it is very important to check the website’s loading speed. No matter how attractive and unique your site is, or how interesting...
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Monday, April 23, 2012

Steps to Make Your Ecommerce Shopping Cart more Secure

Ours is the age of technology and is dominated by the trend of online shopping. People across the world prefer to buy online. It not only saves time but also spares you the effort of going out and doing all the shopping. Moreover, almost everything is available online. You name it and you have it. Business organizations have realized the importance of ecommerce website development and the benefits offered by it. It t only improves a business' chances...
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

How Important is Website Navigation for a Website?

One of the most important things to keep in mind while opting for custom web development is navigation. Since a website is all about inter linked pages it won’t be wrong to say that navigation acts like veins and arteries in a good website. Navigation is nothing but letting the user know where he or she is and guiding them to the information he or she is looking for. This can be achieved via a user-friendly navigation panel, hyperlinking within...
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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Have you ever wondered what the most important aspect behind developing a website is? It is catering to the needs of your users or customers better. So the primary objective behind a good business web design is to develop a website  which is user friendly. What better way to achieve than opt for custom web development where you can incorporate features and functionalities to serve the needs of your end users. When you hire a web design company...
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Top 3 Open Source CMS Platforms Developed in PHP

CMS or content management systems have changed the way websites are developed and maintained. In fact a lot of credit for the popularity of websites among medium and small businesses has to go to CMS web development solutions. The main reason for their popularity is the fact that they make sure a user can update the website using a web based interface. Most of the popular content management systems have been developed in PHP. WordPress, Drupal...
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Friday, March 16, 2012

Anybody who is aware about the world of website design and development, must have come across the term Landing Page, a tad too often. But have we ever wondered, what exactly does a landing page means? Even more so, how is it different from the other pages of the website and most importantly, why does the web design and development experts emphasis on developing a landing page, optimizing the same for better results. In this write up, we shall understand the meaning of the landing pages, differentiate it from the other website's pages and learn...
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Which Ecommerce service you should choose for your store?

Getting an online store in the present time is imperative. The wide spread popularity of ecommerce portals and stores have now provided the business owners an easy and superlatively cost effective way to market and sell their products online. However, the problem creeps in when the online store aspirants have to make the choice between which service to choose. We have break the problem down for you and have reviewed 4 of the top ecommerce website...
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