Thursday, September 26, 2013

20+ PHP Libraries to Make the Developer's Job Simpler

PHP has become the universal server-side scripting language, which is prominently used for development of websites, where the server interaction is mandatory and should be effective. It is also used as a general-purpose programming language. PHP is found installed in 1.1 web servers as well as 244 million websites. PHP libraries are available in a good collection, where the important implementations of certain behaviors are found coded ready-made,...
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Top 20 Twitter Profiles for Web Design Lovers

Twitter has always been a great hub for all the knowledge you want, regardless of the subject you are interested in. The same is the case with all of you who are interested in web design and to increase your knowledge and information about the subject, you can easily keep up with a few of the best designers in the world through their Twitter profiles, and know the latest updates and expert opinions at all the aspects which are of current importance....
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Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Are you looking for daily inspiration for web design and development tricks, tips and resources? There are many weblogs covering the topic of website design, development, tutorials, design tips, resources and freebies for professionals. Some of them have emerged as a brand in the blogging world, still there are tons of blogs that you might not heard of yet. Website designing and development is not that easy these days, due to changing trends every...
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