Thursday, December 30, 2010

Use of Graphics in Web Designing

Graphics are an integral and crucial part of a web design. Good graphics play an important role in attracting visitors to a website. Although it should be ensured that graphics should not slow down your website. It should be able to covert visitors into prospective clients. Well designed graphics can help you achieve this. A good graphic image can convey all the information to the visitors and provides a good business website design. There are...
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Monday, December 27, 2010

A business logo is an identity of a business . Customers relate to a logo more than the company name itself. Talk about Nike or Adidas or any other famous brand, people recognize their logos well and relate to them. A good logo design is highly effective in creating the brand awareness of a business. An effective business logo helps to boost the corporate image of a business. It helps to build relationship with your clients and enable them to remember...
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Sunday, December 19, 2010

What is the need of Content Management System(CMS)?

CMS, known as content management system which allows to manage the content of a website without any coder to perform any coding task. One can easily add, edit, delete  images and text in website through CMS. The content can be in the form of text, images, audio, video  and other media files. CMS helps in updating the website easily.  Website owner can use it easily as it is installed on the servers by web designer. The  requirements like hardware, software technical trainings for managing the content of a website or a web...
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